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                 Summer Arts Program

         Devised (Musical) Theater Arts

This World of Art                                      


Chorus:                     G  Studio habits of mind,

             G C G Am G D How can they support our creativity?

                                  G  Focus the work and you’ll find,    

                       C G D G  Success in productivity,


D     Develop Craft,

CG   Engage and Persist,

D     Envision the draft,

CG  Express, like you can’t resist?

D     Observe what’s all around,

Em  Reflect on what you see,

C   Stretch and Explore beyond what

D  you thought you could be,


CGDG And understand you play a part in this world of art,   You play a part in this world of art.               (Repeat)

                   C               D           G


Chorus:               Studio habits of mind,

                           How can they support our creativity?

                           Focus the work and you’ll find,    

                           Success in productivity,


Take a class in your field,

Push yourself to the task

Imagination revealed,

Can you feel it, I ask?

Take note of the room,

And bring your answer to the floor,

When the urge comes to grow let yourself out the door,


And understand you play a part in this world of art,

You play a part in this world of art.               (Repeat)


"Things I Like" by Phoebe Chai



2 short plays inspired by a photo of women arguing, June 11, 2019





“On Purpose” by Evelina Temple-Tamara



Characters:  Callie, Josephina


Setting: A Fancy Restaurant in Oakland


The waiter has just served the food and drink.  Callie accidentally flicks spaghetti on Josephina.



Josephina:       You are so dead, Callie!


Callie:              I’m sorry, I will pay for the stain.  Sorry.


Josephina:       You better pay.  I don’t have no money.


Callie:              Please forgive me.  It’s an old shirt.  I will get you another one.


Josephina:       Well, good luck with that!


Callie:              Are we no longer friends?


Josephina hugs Callie to show that there are no hard feelings. 


Josephina:       I really don’t mind.


They go back to eating.  Callie again accidentally flicks more spaghetti on her.

Josephina throws her napkin down, bangs the table, and stomps out.








 “A Disaster” by Phoebe Chai


Characters:  Callie, Josephina


Setting: A Fancy Restaurant in Oakland



The waiter has just served the food and drink.  Callie accidentally flicks spaghetti on Josephina.


Callie:              Oh my goodness, I am soooooo sorry!


Josephina:       OMG!  This is Gucci!!!


Callie:              Gosh, it’s just a shirt.


Josephina:       A Gucci shirt!!!


Callie:              Wow!  Stop screaming, you’re embarrassing me.


Josephina:       No, I’m not going to stop screaming!


Callie:              Ugh, I am leaving!


Callie rolls her eyes and leaves.  Josephina follows and grabs her wrist.


Josephina:       You ain’t leaving yet!


Callie turns around.


Callie:              Oh yes, I am.


She leaves.



Circle                       Name and movement

                                The Animal

                                Holding the Bomb


Captain of the Ship - Ensemble game with swabbing the decks, 

                                Light House, Man overboard, Bomb, Dead Fish,

                                Shark Attack


Walking Around       Movement and shapes to directions.


Back to Back           Alien, Cow Poke, Tiger, Traveling Sales



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