This page is under construction. A script, lyrics, and recordings will be added soon and updated frequently between now and the festival. The songs will be in order according to the schedule below. We will be recording some songs in class for this site.
This page contains songs/lyrics only. A separate page has been created for the transition dialogue.
El Dorado (2ND AND 3RD GRADES) 11:45-12:00
Wake Up, Every!
En Español
Remember Me
Carver (4TH GRADE) 12:05-12:35
Trumpets/Drums under the direction of Cooper-Smith
Three Names George Washington Carver
The Pi Song
Parts of Speech
One More Tree
Bessie Carmichael 12:40-12:55
Dance by Ms. De Guzman @ co. (3rd/4th/5th Grades)
Bessie Singers (2nd Grade)
It’s a Cycle
The Rock Song
Tuesday, March 20
Cleveland (Kindergarten) 12:25-12:40
En español
Los pollitos
The Worm Song
Remember Me
Fairmount Mariachi (3rd Grade) 12:45-1:00
Los Barandales del Puente
Cancion mixteca
La de la mochila azul
Monday, March 19 - El Dorado
Wake Up Everybody
Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes
Wake up everybody no more sleepin' in bed
No more backward thinkin' time for thinkin' ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be
There is so much hatred war and poverty
Oh yeah
Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
Cause they're the ones who's coming up
And the world is in their hands
When you teach the children
Teach 'em the very best you can
Oh yeah
The world won't get no better
If we just let it be
The world won't get no better
We gotta change it yeah,
Just you and me.
Martin Luther King was a voice of the people,
A voice of the people,
A voice of the people,
Martin Luther King was a voice of the people,
He helped people get their rights! Repeat with the following
Sojourner Truth
Frederick Douglass
Ida B. Wells,
Malcolm X was a voice of the people,
Harriet Tubman was a voice of the people,
Shirley Chisholm was a voice of the people,
Barack Obama is a voice of the people,
A voice of the people,
A voice of the people,
I am a voice of the people,
We are living Martin Luther King’s dream,
We are living Martin Luther Kings’ dream,
We are living Martin Luther King’s dream,
We are living Martin Luther King’s….

En español
En español nosotros tenemos cinco vocales: a a a e e e i o u
Cuando nosotros ponemos las vocales con consonantes
Se forman silabas.
Verse “m” con “a” es “ma”
como “mama”
“m” con “e” es “me”
como “mesa”
“m” con “i” es “mi”
como “mio”
“m” con “o” es “mo”
como “mocos” y
“m” con “u” es “mu”
como “muñeca.”
En español nosotros tenemos cinco vocales: a a a e e e i o u
Cuando nosotros ponemos las vocales con consonantes
Se forman silabas, silabas!
“p” con “a” es “ma”
como “papa”
“p” con “e” es “pe”
como “pelo”
“p” con “i” es “pi”
como “piñata”
“p” con “o” es “po”
como “pollo” y
“p” con “u” es “pu”
como “pupusa.”
En español nosotros tenemos cinco vocales: a a a e e e i o u
Cuando nosotros ponemos las vocales con consonantes
Se forman silabas.
Remember Me
Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again
Remember me
Insert "Three Names George Washington Carver"
Song – “Transportation”
Chorus Transportation, transportation,
keeps us moving around and around.
Transportation, transportation,
on the water,
through the sky
on the ground.
Verse We can fly in an airplane
over the clouds to a faraway place.
We can float in a motorboat
up the river or across the ocean.
Chorus Transportation, transportation…
Verse We can ride an electric car (it makes a little sound)
on the back roads or on the busy freeway.
We can ride a high-speed train
down the track across a countryside scene.
Chorus Transportation, transportation…
Verse We can take the bus to school
through the city streets;
green light, yellow light, red light.
We can take our bicycle
to go to the park or go down to the store.
Chorus Transportation, transportation…
Song – “It’s a Cycle”
The piano accompaniment starts the pulsing waltz.
Oceans are bigger than seas.
Seas are different from lakes.
Lakes are different from rivers,
And rivers are bigger than streams.
Water falls down from the clouds.
Then the water evaporates.
Chorus It’s a cycle.
It’s a cycle.
Water goes up and then water comes down.
It’s a cycle.
It’s a cycle,
A cycle we need to survive.
There are five oceans on earth:
The Atlantic, the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Pacific, the Indian, the Indian,
The Southern. the a-a-a-a-a-a-a-rcti-i-i-i-i-c
Water falls down from the clouds.
Then the water evaporates.
It’s a cycle…
Song – “The Rock Song”
Chorus The earth is made of rocks.
Most rocks are underground.
You can find rocks near wa-ter.
Water changes rocks.
Water breaks rocks.
Sand is made of very small rocks.
Verse Rocks look different.
They are different colors.
Some are shiny.
Some are dull.
Rocks feel different.
Rocks feel different.
Some are sharp.
Some are smooth.
Chorus The earth is made of rocks…
Verse You can rub rocks,
Rocks together!
Hard rocks are strong.
Soft rocks fall apart.
People use rocks.
They cut them from the earth.
They are carried away.
People build with rocks.
The earth is made of rocks.
Chorus The earth is made of rocks.
Most rocks are underground.
You can find rocks near wa-ter.
Cooperation - Song
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
Cooperation, working together like we know we should.
More heads for thinking, more hands to build.
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
Be a good leader, a good follower too.
Let others on your team show what they can do.
Think before acting, listen well.
Use a calm voice when you have something to tell.
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
Cooperation, working together like we know we should.
More heads for thinking, more hands to build.
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
A table needs moving? Time to put on a show?
The kitchen needs cleaning? There's a garden to grow?
Let's build a house. It's easy you'll see,
When you are working in company.
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
Cooperation, working together like we know we should.
More heads for thinking, more hands to build.
Cooperation, working together for the common good.
The Worm Song
I went to the garden and I found a worm, and I put it in a jar.
I thought I’d take it outside for a walk, but it wouldn’t go that far.
I asked my mama can we take a drive, but it didn’t like the car.
So I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
I felt like I might want to take a swim, but the worm didn’t like the pool.
Tried to keep it with me all day long, but the teacher said it wasn’t cool.
I found a ball to play catch with it, but my dad said that was cruel. SPLAT!
So I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
Worm Dance
Brought it on down to the post office, but it couldn’t fit in a letter.
Seemed my worm was awfully cold, so I wrapped it in my sweater.
I wanted to go to the desert with it, but they say worms like it wetter.
So I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
I’m gonna give it back, gonna give it back, gonna give it back to nature.
Los Pollitos
Los pollitos dicen “pio,pio, pio,”
Cuando tienen hambre,
Cuando tienen frio.
La gallina busca el maiz y el trigo,
Les da la comida,
Y les presta abrigo.
Bajos sus dos alas
Duermen los pollitos,
Hasta el otro dia.